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5_basic_devices PDF

(pdf) (1 page)
1 Intro
2 Basic Set-up
3 Smart meter
3.1 Activating the P1 meter
3.2 Connecting to Domoticz
4 Somfy sunscreen
4.1 Hardware
4.2 Software
5 Some simple devices
5.1 Being home
5.2 Internet connection

5. Some simple devices

5.1. Being home

For some scripts it can be important whether I am home. For example: certain lights will go on only when I am there, otherwisw they stat out.

My pressence at home is determined by the fact that my phone is there. My DHCP server hands out a fixed address to the phone, based on the MAC-ID. On th phone, I set the sleep policy to "never":

    -> Wireless & Network Setting
        -> Wifi Settings
            -> Press Menu button
                -> Advanced
                    -> WiFi Sleep Policy

That was enough for my Android phone to respond to pings.

I made a virtual hardware device type "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virual switches only)". For that hardware, I made a virtual sensor, type switch. The name of that sensor is assigned to the variable DOMO_DEV in the script below.

The script polls the phone and sets the value of the virtual switch.

 #REMOTE@ domoticz.home /usr/local/bin/ljthuis
 # Set or change the hostnames below to match your environment
 cat <<EOF
 NAME: Am i at home?
 if [ "$1" = "-h" ] ; then
     exit 0
 if [ "$1" = "-v" ] ; then
     if [ "$verbose" = 1 ] ; then
         echo $*
 # Get list of devices
 curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=devices_list" |
 sed 's/"//g;s/,//' |
 while read nv col val ; do
     if [ "$nv" = 'name' ] ; then
     elif [ "$nv" = 'value' ] ; then
         echo "$val $name"
 done > $tmp
 if ping -c5 $TARGET > /tmp/last_ljm.out 2> /tmp/last_ljm.err ; then
 debug "Value: $val"
 idx=$(sed -n "s/ $DOMO_DEV//p" $tmp)
 debug "idx=$idx"
 if [ "idx" = "" ] ; then
     debug curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=$idx&nvalue=$val" 
     curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=$idx&nvalue=$val" > /dev/null
 rm -f $tmp

The script runs every 5 minutes from cron

 #USER root@domoticz.home                                                                              #--ljthuis.cron:root
 #INSTALLEDFROM verlaine:src/domoticz                                                                  #--ljthuis.cron:root
 #  m           h  D   M  dow  cmd                                                                     #--ljthuis.cron:root
    1,16,31,46  *  *   *   *   /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/ljthuis > /tmp/last_ljthuis.out 2>/tmp/last_ljthuis.err  #--ljthuis.cron:root
    6,21,36,51  *  *   *   *   /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/ljthuis > /tmp/last_ljthuis.out 2>/tmp/last_ljthuis.err  #--ljthuis.cron:root
    11,26,41,56 *  *   *   *   /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/ljthuis > /tmp/last_ljthuis.out 2>/tmp/last_ljthuis.err  #--ljthuis.cron:root

5.2. Internet connection

I had the impression that my Internet connection was unreliable. To get some data about how unreliable the connection was, I created a custom sensor, with the sensor unit "msec". The value of the sensor is the round-trip time for a ping to Again, an external script updates the value of the sensor.

 #REMOTE@ domoticz.home /usr/local/bin/internetup
 # Set or change the hostnames below to match your environment
 cat <<EOF
     internetup - test if internet is up
 Internetup pings $TARGET to see if the Internet is reachable.
 The default URL for Domoticz is '$DOMOTICZ' and the default
 target for ping is $TARGET
 Internetup is typicaly started by cron to ensure a regular data feed to
 if [ "$1" = "-h" ] ; then
     exit 0
 if [ "$1" = "-v" ] ; then
     if [ "$verbose" = 1 ] ; then
         echo $*
 if ! ping -c1 > $pingout ; then
     sleep 1
     ping -c1 > $pingout
 if grep -q 'time=' $pingout ; then
     val=$(sed -n 's/ ms//; s/.*time=//p' $pingout)
 debug "Value: $val"
 # Get list of devices
 curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=devices_list" |
 sed 's/"//g;s/,//' |
 while read nv col val ; do
     if [ "$nv" = 'name' ] ; then
     elif [ "$nv" = 'value' ] ; then
         echo "$val $name"
 done > $tmp
 inet_idx=$(sed -n 's/ internet_up//p' $tmp)
 debug "inet_idx=$inet_idx"
 if [ "inet_idx" = "" ] ; then
     echo "$now No inet dev">> /tmp/last_inet
     debug curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=$inet_idx&nvalue=1&svalue=$val" 
     curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=$inet_idx&nvalue=1&svalue=$val" > /dev/null
     echo "$now Internet: $val" >> /tmp/last_inet
 tail -1024 /tmp/last_inet > $tmp
 mv $tmp /tmp/last_inet
 rm -f $tmp $pingout

And again, launched from cron:

 #USER root@domoticz.home                                                                              #--internet_up.cron:root
 #INSTALLEDFROM verlaine:src/domoticz                                                                  #--internet_up.cron:root
 #  m           h  D   M  dow  cmd                                                                     #--internet_up.cron:root
    0,15,30,45  *  *   *   *   /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/internetup > /tmp/last_internetup.out 2>/tmp/last_internetup.err  #--internet_up.cron:root
    5,20,35,50  *  *   *   *   /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/internetup > /tmp/last_internetup.out 2>/tmp/last_internetup.err  #--internet_up.cron:root
    10,25,40,55 *  *   *   *   /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/internetup > /tmp/last_internetup.out 2>/tmp/last_internetup.err  #--internet_up.cron:root

The results for my Ziggo line where, that I had a down time of more than 15 minutes about every two days. Also, the tound-trip time varied wildly, between 8msec and 100msec. That jitter was a serious problem in video calls.