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2_basic_setup PDF

(pdf) (1 page)
1 Intro
2 Basic Set-up
3 Smart meter
3.1 Activating the P1 meter
3.2 Connecting to Domoticz
4 Somfy sunscreen
4.1 Hardware
4.2 Software
5 Some simple devices
5.1 Being home
5.2 Internet connection

2. Basic Set-up

My basic set-up is a Raspberry Pi with a number of additions. The main addition s are an RFXCOM RFXtrx433 that is used to send and receive the standard 433MHz IoT signals and a deCONZ USB Zigbee controller.

Domoticz is used as a sort of hub where everything comes together. It allows me to launch simple blockly scripts to react to events. Domoticz allows external scripts to update devices and launch scripts to do actual work. The web interface may not be intuitive, but it is easy to write a simple CGI script.