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3_p1__slimme_meter PDF

(pdf) (1 page)
1 Intro
2 Basic Set-up
3 Smart meter
3.1 Activating the P1 meter
3.2 Connecting to Domoticz
4 Somfy sunscreen
4.1 Hardware
4.2 Software
5 Some simple devices
5.1 Being home
5.2 Internet connection

3. Smart meter

Due to Dutch regulations, I was forced to have a smart meter installed. The smart meter has a P1 port that allows the user to read the values. I bought a Homewizard Wi-Fi P1 Meter, which is a quite affordable one.

3.1. Activating the P1 meter

To be able to use the P1 meter, you need to install the Homewizard Energy app from the playstore or appstore. The app will be used the connect the device to the WiFi network.

The device uses DHCP to get an IP address. We need to access the device with curl so it is fairly important to assign a specific IP address. In my dhcpd.conf I have added:

host p1 {
hardware ethernet 3c:39:e7:25:ff:ff;

On my DNS server, I have added the host p1 with that address.

3.2. Connecting to Domoticz

It took quite a bit of puzzling before I could get the values of the p1 meter into Domoticz. I created a script that is launched from the crontab and updates 3 virtual sensors.

First, I added a new hardware.


For the hardware, I made three virtual sensors:

The script below is used to get the data from the P1 meter and feed it, via the rest API to the virtual sensors.

 #REMOTE@ domoticz.home /usr/local/bin/p1_report
 # Set or change the hostnames below to match your environment
 cat <<EOF
     p1_report - report smart meter p1 values to Domoticz
 P1_report reads the Homewizard Wi-Fi P1 meter and feeds the data into two
 virtual sensors in Domoticz:
 - slimme_meter_gas for the gas readings
 - slimme_meter_stroom for the electicity reading
 - slimme_meter_active_power
 These three virtual sensors must be created manually in Domoticz.
 The default URL for Domoticz is 'domoticz.home:8888' and the default
 URL for the Homewizzard P1 meter is 'p1.home'. These can be changed in 
 the script to match your environment.
 P1_report is typicaly started by cron to ensure a regular data feed to
 if [ "$1" = "-h" ] ; then
     exit 0
 date > /tmp/last_p1
 curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=devices_list" |
 sed 's/"//g;s/,//' |
 while read nv col val ; do
     if [ "$nv" = 'name' ] ; then
     elif [ "$nv" = 'value' ] ; then
         echo "$val $name"
 done > $tmp
 if curl -s $P1/api/v1/data > $report ; then
     exit 0
 for line in $(cat $report| jq . |sed 's/^ *"//;s/,$//;s/": /:/p') ; do
     case $var in
         (total_power_import_t1_kwh)    usage1=$(printf "%8.3f" $val | sed 's/[\. ]//g') ;;
         (total_power_import_t2_kwh)    usage2=$(printf "%8.3f" $val | sed 's/[\. ]//g') ;;
         (total_power_export_t1_kwh)    return1=$(printf "%8.3f" $val | sed 's/[\. ]//g') ;;
         (total_power_export_t2_kwh)    return2=$(printf "%8.3f" $val | sed 's/[\. ]//g') ;;
         (active_power_w)        active_power_w=$val ;;
         (active_power_l1_w)        active_power_l1_w=$val ;;
         (active_power_l2_w)        active_power_l2_w=$val ;;
         (active_power_l3_w)        active_power_l3_w=$val ;;
         (total_gas_m3)            total_gas_m3=$(printf "%8.3f" $val | sed 's/[\. ]//g') ;;
         (gas_timestamp)            gas_timestamp=$val ;;
 echo "$now usage1=$usage1 usage2=$usage2 return1=$return1 return2=$return2 active_power_w=$active_power_w total_gas_m3=$total_gas_m3" >> /tmp/p1.log
 if [ $active_power_w -lt 0 ] ; then
 if [ $usage1 = 0 ] ; then
     if [ $usage2 = 0 ] ; then
         if [ $return1 = 0 ] ; then
             if [ $return2 = 0 ] ; then
                 exit 0
 meter_idx=$(sed -n 's/ slimme_meter_stroom//p' $tmp)
 if [ "$meter_idx" = "" ] ; then
     echo "No slimme meter">> /tmp/last_p1
     curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=$meter_idx&nvalue=0&svalue=$usage1;$usage2;$return1;$return2;$cons;$prod" > /dev/null
     echo "$usage1;$usage2;$return1;$return2;$cons;$prod" >> /tmp/last_p1
 meter_idx=$(sed -n 's/ slimme_meter_active_power//p' $tmp)
 if [ "$meter_idx" = "" ] ; then
     echo "No slimme meter">> /tmp/last_p1
     curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=$meter_idx&nvalue=0&svalue=$active_power_w" > /dev/null
     echo "$active_power_w" >> /tmp/last_p1
 meter_idx=$(sed -n 's/ active_power//p' $tmp)
 if [ "$meter_idx" = "" ] ; then
     echo "No slimme meter">> /tmp/last_p1
     curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=$meter_idx&nvalue=0&svalue=$active_power_w" > /dev/null
     echo "$active_power_w" >> /tmp/last_p1
 meter_idx=$(sed -n 's/ slimme_meter_gas//p' $tmp)
 if [ "$meter_idx" = "" ] ; then
     echo "No gas meter">> /tmp/last_p1
     curl --silent  "http://$DOMOTICZ/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=$meter_idx&nvalue=0&svalue=$total_gas_m3" > /dev/null
     echo "$total_gas_m3" >> /tmp/last_p1
 tail -1024 /tmp/last_p1 > $tmp
 mv $tmp /tmp/last_p1
 rm -f $report $tmp

The script runs every minute from cron with the following crontab:

 #USER root@domoticz.home                                                                              #--p1.cron:root
 #INSTALLEDFROM verlaine:src/domoticz                                                                  #--p1.cron:root
 #  m  h  D   M  dow  cmd                                                                              #--p1.cron:root
    *  *  *   *   *   /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/p1_report > /tmp/last_p1_report.out 2> /tmp/last_p1_report.err  #--p1.cron:root
 # end p1                                                                                              #--p1.cron:root