2. Setting up the server

2.1. Goal

Our goal is to set-up a server that responds to a telnet-request on a set of ports. This will allow us to test quickly whether a service is reachable or not.

2.2. Inetd

The simplest way to create a service on Linux is to let them be started by the inetd On Debian, this means installing the inetutils-inetd. As always, it also means that we need to disable the automatic start-up at boot and launch it ourselves.
apt-get install inetutils-inetd
rm /etc/rc*.d/*inetutils*

Next, we need to set-up a simple service that allows us to see whether we can actually connect. Our simple service looks like this:
echo $0 $*

There are 10 versions of this file, called /root/s900 to /root/s909.

The following lines are added to /etc/services
s900         900/tcp
s901         901/tcp
s902         902/tcp
s903         903/tcp
s904         904/tcp
s905         905/tcp
s906         906/tcp
s907         907/tcp
s908         908/tcp
s909         909/tcp

and we add the following lines to /etc/inetd.conf
s900     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s900  /root/vbox/acl/s900
s901     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s901  /root/vbox/acl/s901
s902     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s902  /root/vbox/acl/s902
s903     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s903  /root/vbox/acl/s903
s904     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s904  /root/vbox/acl/s904
s905     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s905  /root/vbox/acl/s905
s906     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s906  /root/vbox/acl/s906
s907     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s907  /root/vbox/acl/s907
s908     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s908  /root/vbox/acl/s908
s909     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/vbox/acl/s909  /root/vbox/acl/s909

The tcp4 is the protocol name. This is a non-standard in the Debian distribution. Standard would be just tcp but Debian decided that that would refer to IPv6 only. Of course, we need to install the inetd:
apt-get -y install openbsd-inetd

And then, we can telnet into our new services:
$ vagrant ssh precise3 -c 'telnet 902'
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Connection to closed.

A complete setup-script for precise1 would then be:
ETH1=$(dmesg | grep -i 'renamed from eth1' | sed -n 's/: renamed from eth1//;s/.* //p')
ifconfig $ETH1 netmask up
route add -net netmask gw
for f in s900 s901 s902 s903 s904 s905 s906 s907 s908 s909
	cp /vagrant/service.sh /root/$f
	chmod a+rx /root/$f
cat >> /etc/services <<EOF
s900         900/tcp
s901         901/tcp
s902         902/tcp
s903         903/tcp
s904         904/tcp
s905         905/tcp
s906         906/tcp
s907         907/tcp
s908         908/tcp
s909         909/tcp
cat >>/etc/inetd.conf <<EOF
s900     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s900  /root/s900
s901     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s901  /root/s901
s902     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s902  /root/s902
s903     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s903  /root/s903
s904     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s904  /root/s904
s905     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s905  /root/s905
s906     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s906  /root/s906
s907     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s907  /root/s907
s908     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s908  /root/s908
s909     stream tcp4   nowait   root   /root/s909  /root/s909
apt-get -y install openbsd-inetd
ps -ef | grep inet

The ps is there to show that the inetd works.