5. Conclusion

5.1. Result

We have shown how a proxy works. We did not use TLS, because we wanted to show what is happening.

5.2. Windows 10: never again

You may ask why I did not put in a longer set of traffic. The answer is that Our Windows 10 host just keeps blurting-out new requests. More and more hosts are consulted by the Windows 10 Edge browser:

  • b-ring.msedge.net,
  • config.edge.skype.com,
  • ctldl.windowsupdate.com,
  • fp.msedge.net,
  • g.live.com,
  • iecvlist.microsoft.com,
  • livetileedge.dsx.mp.microsoft.com,
  • l-ring.msedge.net,
  • markets.books.microsoft.com,
  • nav.smartscreen.microsoft.com,
  • ocsp.digicert.com,
  • onecs-live.azureedge.net,
  • settings-win.data.microsoft.com,
  • sls.update.microsoft.com,
  • spo-ring.msedge.net,
  • v10.events.data.microsoft.com,
  • watson.telemetry.microsoft.com,
  • web.server,
  • www.bing.com,
  • www.w3.org.

In only 5 minutes time. None of the sites was requested by me. And remember: I only set the proxy for the Edge browser, not for the whole system!

In the past, I used a Linux box with a Firefox or even Dillo browser. I could get nice clean pcap files, without all sorts of sites that the browser seemed to need or seems to think that I needed for my "experience". So, for demonstration purposes, Windows 10 will not be used anymore.