2. Installing a DHCP server

2.1. Installing the software

We'll use xenial1 as our DHCP server. Installing is default:
apt-get install dhcpd

This makes the setup for xenial1 as follows:
ETH1=$(dmesg | grep -i 'renamed from eth1' | sed -n 's/: renamed from eth1//;s/.* //p')
ifconfig $ETH1 down
ip link set $ETH1 name eth1
ifconfig eth1 netmask up
route add -net netmask gw
apt-get install dhcpd
cp /vagrant/udhcpd.conf /etc
cp /vagrant/udhcpd.default /etc/default/udhcpd
/etc/init.d/udhcpd restart

2.2. Configuration

The setup-script copies a configuration from our /vagrant directory. The content of udhcpd.conf is:
# Sample udhcpd configuration file (/etc/udhcpd.conf)
# The start and end of the IP lease block
interface      eth1
static_lease	02:00:00:00:00:02
static_lease	02:00:00:00:00:03
option  subnet
opt     router
option  lease  30

We see the static_lease for the MAC-IDs that we defined in our vagrant file. We also see that the router is defined as We're not really interested in routing here, and because xenial1 is here the center of our universe, we're only interested in getting traffic to xenial1. We do not care that this router information is invalid for xenial2.

The lease time is short, because I do not want to wait long wth wireshark.

2.3. A simple network for DHCP testing

In GNS3, I created the following network. Precise1 is on vboxnet1; xenial2 is on vboxnet2.


The switch is a standard GNS3-switch.

When xenial2 is started, it generates dhcp requests. This is directly visible on the console as a series of Sending OFFER and Sending ACK with the IP address.
# pkill udhcp
# udhcpd -f              
udhcpd (v1.18.5) started
udhcpd: max_leases=235 is too big, setting to 51
Sending OFFER of
Sending OFFER of
Sending ACK to
Sending ACK to
Sending ACK to
Sending ACK to

An ifconfig eth1 on xenial2 will show that the predicted IP address is present on that interface.