
Changing Distributions

Back to Slackware/Salix

1. A new distribution

1.1. The problems I have

I have always been a fan of RedHat, Fedora Core and Fedora. However, I am becoming more and more frustrated with Fedora. My main problems are

I am more and more depending on my computer. It must work, otherwise I have a problem. And I do not feel like updating this often anymore. So I need a more stable distribution.

There is a lot of controversy about systemd. Proponents say it is the future and that anyone avoiding systemd is stupid. The only argument that proponents uses and that has any substance is that it should speed-up boot times by starting things in parallel. My observations about systemd are, that boot-times are significantly longer with systemd.

In additions, from Fedora23 on, I have all kind of problems (most of the system hangs, devices are not recognized when plugged-in, NFS troubles, etcetera), and the solution is always systemctl --system daemon-reload , which works, but if I have to reload systemd more often than I had to reboot Windows, something tells me that this is not the way to go.

What annoys me the most is that the vast majority of pro-systemd arguments are ad-hominen arguments. People that don't like systemd are "Luddite", they "are afraid to learn", "go away, you’re clueless, we know better than you, and besides, we have commit privs and you don’t, so go away", while the vast majority of the anti-systemd arguments are based on technical content (except, possibly, for the rants directed at Poettering/Sievers). The reason whys, for example, Archlinux went to systemd is even worse: "We had problems and we stopped thinking.`"

Another thing is security. In the discussions about systemd, it is often said that systemd is less secure because it is more complex. For me, the complexity is not really an argument; complex systems may be secure. However, if we compare the number of CVEs in the last 10 years, we find that systemd has 27 CVEs and, for example, SysV init has 0.

In stead of the simple logic of Unix-like systems, Fedora is apparently seeking to make things a complex as possible. Many undefined inter-dependencies make it, at least for me, harder and harder to get things done. For example: I have not been able to make the combination of Dracut, systemd and the propriety NVIDIA drivers working consistently. For me, it meant going back to the Nouveau-drivers and booting in text-mode.

1.2. Selecting a new distribution

So, a new distribution.

I have used many different distributions: Debians (x86, NSLU2, Pi), Fedora, Mint, Puppy, Slackware. I have even used Soft Landing and a version that needed to be cross-compiled (ACME's Foxboard). I have a slight preference for the KDE-desktop.

The table below is my short-list of Linux distributions. The short-list is, admittedly, a bit arbitrary. But also the criteria "complexity" and "desktop use" are more my personal opinion than an objective criterion.
release cycle
desktop use
12 months
6months/2yr LTS
6months/2yr LTS
2yr lts

The results of this table are that I should give Salix and PCLinuxOS a try. It is worth noting that Salix is basically Slackware with a user-friendly sauce over it.

Looking at PCLinuxOS, I did not like it. I don't know why. No technical reason, just my preference.

So, Salix it is.

2. Salix, first try


2.1. Downloading

Download from

To download, you can use a direct download or a download via torrent. Because there are very few seeders, downloading from Sourceforge is the way to go.

I downloaded the Salix64 Xfce 14.2 DVD ISO (x86_64, 64-bit).

2.2. Install in VirtualBox

Because I do not want to rush into things and I like to get a feeling before I totally commit myself, I first installed on VirtualBox.

The installation is smooth. It requires some manual answers and it has the simplicity of a Slackware install. The installation itself gave no problems.

After the installations, I wanted to use the full-screen mode and for that you need to install Vbox guest additions. To install them, you need the kernel source. However, the kernel source package is of a newer date than the actual kernel.

The solution is to bring all the kernel packages to the latest version. Salix has the idea, that you need to update the kernel, and some other packages, conscientiously. That mean that you cannot do it via the GUI.

Updating the kernel proved to be rather simple. First update glibc from the command line:
slapt-get -i glibc

next, for all kernel packages in ls /var/log/packages/*kernel* do a slapt-get -i. For me (clean Salix 14.2), that meant:
slapt-get -i kernel-firmware
slapt-get -i kernel-headers
slapt-get -i kernel-huge
slapt-get -i kernel-modules
slapt-get -i kernel-source

The kernel-source was not installed, but it was needed for the guest additions. To be sure, do a lilo -v and reboot. Then it all should work.

2.3. Init

Not having systemd means that there is another form of init. For Slackware and derivatives, this is BSD-style init. It is well documented at

In fact: it is the simplest way to initialize the system.

3. Packages and their problems

3.1. Scanner, USB stuff

It seems practically impossible to test the scanners under VirtualBox. There is a process under Fedora that steals the access to the devices from VirtualBox (not only the scanners, but also webcams, hard drives, bridged network adapters etc.) As this is a VirtualBox or Fedora problem, the scanners will have to be tested after the first install. Note that I have tried to do the scanning on a Windows 10 virtual machine, and that also fails.

3.2. Diaadm.imagebank

I have a script that administrates my slides and digital images. It is a TCL/TK script that uses a mysql database for storage. Or a maria db.

Under Salix, maria db is already installed. TCL is not; so install:
slapt-get -i tcl tk mysqltcl

Next, configure the mariadb. This is well documented. As root


chown -R mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql

chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld

/etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld start

-Set root (master) password
mysqladmin -u root password 'NEW_PASSWORD'

And then some script-specific things:
bash create
bash import diaadm.dump

The library for the mysql-TCL is, on Slackware, in a different location than on Fedora. For the test, I made a link instead of changing the script. And then:
wish imagebank.tcl

And :


3.3. GNS3

To my surprise, you can install GNS3 with slapt-get. Of course, you need a lot of dependencies:
slapt-get -i python3
slapt-get -i PyQt PyQt5 python3-PyQt5
slapt-get -i gns3 dynampis qemu

Virtual PCs (VPCS) must be downloaded from Sourceforge. You can download a binary.

When testing, I found that gns3 also needs the package xterm. Of course, you can tell gns3 to use another terminal, but slapt-get -i xterm is not that much trouble.

The result is a working gns3:


3.4. VirtualBox

Nesting VirtualBox is not possible. That is also something that has to be tested in a real installation.

3.5. NVIDIA drivers

VirtualBox has its own display, so it is not possible to try the NVIDIA propriety drivers.

4. Live

4.1. Using the live distribution

The VirtualBox experience gave me enough confidence that Salix is the distribution for me. For every problem or unknown that I encountered, there was a web-page that explained the issue. It seems that Salix is better documented than Fedora at the moment.

But once again, I do not like to rush into things. I have not been able to test the USB-stuff, some of which are very important to me.

So, on the live version, I should be able to test those.

4.2. Problems with the Live version

The problems I encountered were due to a faulty DVD player. The solution was to boot from USB stick. On the Salix docs-site, they say that you should do all sorts of complicated things if you want to use the USB installer. I simply did:
dd if=salixlive64-xfce-14.2.1.iso of=/dev/sdg status=progress

( /dev/sdg is the USB-drive) and that gave me a working USB-Salix-LIVE stick.

I also tried Unetbootin, but I ended up with non-working sticks. As says, Your mileage may vary.

Before you can install anything, you need to update the package list. This is a bit an issue, because the live-DVD uses hostingxtreme, which apparently stopped service for Salix. This means that reposetup will hang.

The solution is to specify a mirror manually, and then select the correct one. Get a repository from
reposetup -m

and then select the closest to home.

Next, do a
slapt-get -u

and everything should be in order.

4.3. Igotu

I have a small GPS-tracker that is supported a bit under Linux. It is called Igotu. I use version 0.3.90. The drivers and supporting programs must be compiled; there is no package available (not for Slackware, but on Fedora it wasn't either).

First install the pre-requisites:
slapt-get -i qt boost libusb chrpath marble openssl

There is a slight difference in locations for libraries in Slackware. A simple link solves that problem:
ln -s /usr/lib64/qt /usr/lib64/qt4

and then the magic incantations:
make clean
make install

And once again, it simply works.


4.4. NVIDIA drivers

One of the problems with Fedora was that I could not get the NVIDIA propriety drivers work consistently together with Dracut and systemd. The problem was that, if one of them had an upgrade (which was often enough in Fedora) booting would just fail and it became difficult to access the system, depending on which upgrade was done. To be able to access my Fedora, I had to go back to the Nouveau drivers and text-mode boot.

One of the nice things about Slackware and Salix is that you need to upgrade some packages like the kernel specifically. If you do an "upgrade all", these packages are excluded. That means that your propriety drivers keep on working normally. For me, the fact that my boots work reliably is a huge advantage of Salix over Fedora.

The NVIDIA drivers are now considered legacy drivers. NVIDIA states on the website that they will be updated for new kernels or X upgrades, but for newer video cards, the drivers are now part of the mainstream kernel. That would mean that this problem is limited to the video cards that require a legacy driver. Unfortunately, that means all my computers with NVIDIA cards.

To get the right version of the driver, check NVIDIA's download drivers site. For my GEFORCE 8600 GT, that is version 340.102. However, the normal installation requires a reboot. And with the reboot, I loose everything, because we're still on the live-CD version.

4.5. Scanners

Somehow, getting scanners to work always is more difficult than it should be. I have two scanners that need to work, an Nikon Coolscan IV and an Epson Perfection V200, and both need to work with Vuescan and Xsane.

I installed both. For Vuescan, I did not copy the license-key from the old installation. It is sufficient for me to know that it works; I do not plan to do real scanning from the live-DVD version.

4.5.1. Coolscan

The easiest is to get the Nikon Coolscan to work. Connect, launch Vuescan and scan the first slide. Xsane takes a bit longer, because it apparently wants do do something with the Epson scanner. But all in all: no problems here.

4.5.2. Epson V200

How different it is with Epson. Epson provides its own drivers and scanning software, Iscan. There are different download options:

Rpm and deb does not work on Slackware, so I downloaded the source version. And that does not compile. There are problems with the png libraries. Of course, there are others that have made packages, but somehow they all seem to fail at some point. Most of them have libusb problems.

I will not copy the complete solution, but almost everything is to be found on

Under "Iscan and Sane / Xsane", you'll find that you need to add epkowa to /etc/sene.d/dll.conf. In addition, you will probably need to comment-out the epson2 dll. The second seems to confuse all programs.

4.6. VirtualBox

The easiest way to install VirtualBox is to use Sourcery. Type virtual in the search box and tag all the VirtualBox-items. Press the execute (green v) and watch it fail.

Eh, that is not what I wanted?

If you look at the log, you will see why it fails. For me, these were the reasons:
groupadd -g 215 vboxusers
slapt-get -i acpica kernel-source

And then there is a complaint that the disk space isn't enough. Which is a pity, but it was predictable that the disk space on a live-DVD would not be unlimited.

All in all, there are but few problems known with the installation of VirtualBox on Slackware.

4.7. Conclusion

The live-DVD/USB stick gave me the opportunity to do some additional tests, all of them were successful. This gives me the confidence to go ahead. I will now first upgrade my desktop (still on Fedora 15!), which I have not used for quite a while.

5. Install and config

5.1. Installation

The biggest problem for the installation is to make sure that you use the correct hard drive. You must change the site for the mirror, because the default site is no longer available. I used the NLUUG.

5.2. Configuration

Configuring should be as less as possible a manual action. Of course, the first time you need to get a working environment, you do not think about it that way. However, it is good to do it if you get to your third installation (desktop, server and now a laptop)

So, the strategy is to do a minimal instalation by hand and try to do the rest with Ansible. For me. that means:

This is basically the same as for a raspberry pi.

6. Packages and some remarks

6.1. General

There are some issues with the main repository for Salix. As said before, the solution is:
reposetup -m

6.2. Blender


is a 3d sketch program. It is complicated and takes a lot of practice to get anything useful from it. Download the latest version from their website.

6.3. Calibre

Calibre is a e-book management program. Sorry, THE e-book management program. The best way to install it is to use Calibre's binary install:
wget -nv -O- | sudo sh /dev/stdin

The complete library is under Calibre Library (directory name contains a space), so if you have a backup of that, Calibre will find all your books.

6.4. GNS3

GNS3 is an installable package in Salix. Although it may not be the latest and greatest, it works for me. I installed GNS3 through gslapt ans installed dynamips too. In addition, you will need PyQT (version 4).

Because I need some specific interfaces to OS services, GNS3 must run as root. This is an issue if GNS3 runs on a remot machine. I use the following script to start GNS3:
#INSTALL@ /usr/local/bin/gns3
xauth list > $xal
sudo sh -c "xauth add `cat $xal | grep -v localhost | tail -1`; /usr/bin/gns3 $wd/"

In addition to PyQT, additional packages should be installed to get a working setup. I installed the following list:

There are some remarks. Because I connect my VirtualBoxes via vboxnets and I use Vagrant to start them, I did not look into vbox integration.

Visit edit -> preferences and all the tabs to get things working.

I wanted to get qemu working, but it is a mess. Qemu provides different binaries, depending on the architecture. But GNS3 only accepts a single binary. So I when I will actually need qemu, I will examine this further.

Next, add the Cisco IOS images that you have procured under edit->IOS images and hypervisors.

6.5. Igotu and Viking

slapt-get -i qt boost libusb chrpath marble openssl
ln -s /usr/lib64/qt /usr/lib64/qt4
make clean
make install

You may have to add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ and run ldconfig.

Viking is just an installable package.

6.6. Iscan, SANE, vuescan

The main problem with these scanner applications is that I own an old Epson. To make it work, I used where Simone explains far better step-by-step whet should be done.

For all your other scanners, Vuescan and Sane just works. For Vuescan, remember to save your license!

6.7. Sweet Home 3d

For some planning in the house, I use Sweet Home 3D. Use the Installer from their website.

There may be some issues when importing furniture.

6.8. VirtualBox and Vagrant

Although there is a package for VirtualBox, I downloaded the most recent version from and ran the installer-script.

To my experience, whether you use pre-packaged VirtualBox or via the Oracle installer, there is always some fine-tuning necessary. Some additional tolerance between the vbox-addons and the VirtualBox versions has greatly reduced the need for tweaking. However, there are a number of things that I encountered:

For Vagrant, I dowloaded the latest version as a zip-file from HashiCorp's download page. The use of the latest is encouraged, because Vagrant has prblems with versions of VirtualBox that are more recent than Vagrant.

6.9. Imagemagick

There are some issues with Imagemagic. Therefore, I downloaded the latest source and did the magic incantations ./configure; make; sudo make install.

6.10. Ansible

First install Ansible with Python's pip:
sudo -s
easy_install pip
pip install ansible

A copy of the existing ansible trees under /home/ansible and /etc/ansible is made because I have some existing playbooks.

Next is the authentication. Of course, ssh-keys must be created

6.11. Webdav

I use an on-line storage cloud to safe-guard my data. TransIP offers this service via webdav.

Davfs2 is installable through gslapt. You must create the group and user davfs2 yourself. After that, just restore the directory /etc/davfs2 to be able to re-access your drive. If you did not yet have a webdav drive, you will probably need to edit the files in /etc/davfs2 to match your drive. They are extensively commented so that should not be a problem.

Mount the drive with
sudo mount -t davfs https://your.disk.url /mnt/mountpoint 2>&1 | logger

7. Conclusion

I am now running Salix on my laptop and plain old Slackware on my main server. The environment is rcck-solid. I upgraded the kernel without problems.

The main annoyance is that most packages are either .dep or .rpm. That sometimmes means that I have to install from source. However, most of the time, there is someone who has done the work for me and II can easily install the .tgz.

Due to the much simpler installation method, the actual installation of .tgz packages is blazingly fast, often less than half the time it took to install a .rpm.

I'm less and less depending on Salix, and more and more on Slackware. So Salix actually helped me to go back to the Slack!

8. Salix on Luks

8.1. Intro

If you have a laptop that you take with you some of the time, you will want harddisk encryption. On Linux systems, that can be done with LUKS. However, the installation process of Salix does not offer these facilities. Furthermore, the installation process is simplified, so it is not that easy to insert specific steps.

First of all, it is assumed that you have a Salix install image, so I won't go into the download of Salix. Second, you need a computer to test with. I first tested this on a virtualbox, and it is a wise approah to test is before disabeling all your computers.

8.2. Installation

After the boot, you will get some screens that ask for keymaps etc. Then you get:


Select "Exit installation" here. You will be greeted with a prompt.

8.2.1. Partitioning the disk

First we will be partitioning the harddrive in two partitions:

In my virtualbox set-up, the installable disk is /dev/sda and at the beginning it is completely empty.

Start fdisk /dev/sda and type:

If you are paranoid, you will probably take the time to write random bytes to your encrypted partition here. This is a good step to keep forensics people in the dark, but it takes time, so if you do a virtualbox test, you might skip that step.
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda2

8.2.2. LVM and Luks

The second partition will be an encrypted volume group, with two logical volumes, root and swap.

Now we get the partition ready for encryption:
root@salix64:/# cryptsetup -s 256 -y luksFormat /dev/sda2
This will overwrite data on /dev/sda2 irrevocably.
Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Enter passphrase:
Verify passphrase:

Next, we'll open the encrypted partition with:
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 slackcrypt

This will open a partition /dev/mapper/slackcrypt that can be accessed as unencrypted.

On this partition, we'll create a physical volume group with:
pvcreate /dev/mapper/slackcrypt 

and a volumgroup:
vgcreate cryptvg /dev/mapper/slackcrypt

And in that volumegroup a number of logical volumes:
lvcreate -L 25G -n root cryptvg
lvcreate -L 5G -n swap cryptvg

You will adjust the size to your specific situation.

The stuff we created need some nodes to find everything back:
vgscan --mknodes
vgchange -ay

And we'll created the swap-space:
mkswap /dev/cryptvg/swap

8.2.3. Install Salix

Now, we'll restart the set-up menu:

In the screen for the PARTITIONS EDITOR, don't select any partitions, but just select Go.

Setup will detect the swap-space /dev/cryptvg/swap so you might as well enable it.

For the root filesystem, select /dev/cryptvg/root because that will be your LVM root partition. Format it (I usually format as ext4fs).

Next, add /dev/sda1 as /boot because you will boot from an un-encrypted partition. Format it. And then, select done. Your partition table will look like this.


The rest of the install is the standard Salix install. Because that is so simplified, that it won't need any explanation. After a while, you will come to the screen


Select Expert and then Begin; accept a number of defaults, until you get to the screen SELECT LILO TARGET LOCATTION. As target, select MBR, select /dev/sda and choose your delay.

Now you have to select “Linux: Add a linux partition …” and select /dev/cryptvg/root to boot. (Yes, /dev/cryptvg/root not /boot ) As Partition name, you might use "Salix". Once that’s been selected, install lilo. It may throw a warning.

There are a number of additional steps in the standard installation:

until you reach:


where we choose Exit to command line.

8.2.4. Fix boot

Now we have to fix lilo because of our encryption scheme. First of all, run this:
chroot /mnt

Find out which kernel you are installing with
ls /lib/modules

It will be someting like 3.10.17 or 4.4.14. Next type:
mkinitrd -c -k *insert kernel number* -m *insert ROOT file system type 
here* -f *insert root file system type here* -r /dev/cryptvg/root -C 
/dev/sdx2  -L

For me (Salix 14.2), that was:
mkinitrd -c -k 4.4.19 -m ext4 -f  ext4  -r /dev/cryptvg/root -C /dev/sda2  -h /dev/cryptvg/swap -L 

The -h should allow hybernation.

Edit Lilo's config-file
vi /etc/lilo.conf

and make the image-section look like:
image = /boot/vmlinuz
  initrd = /boot/initrd.gz
  root = /dev/cryptvg/root
  label = Salix
  append = "vt.default_utf8=0 resume=/dev/cryptvg/swap"

Check with ls /boot if the image and initrd are there. Run

and reboot.

The boot process will throw some error messages about modules that cannot be loaded. I'm working on how they should be solved. But the boot process will ask for the passphrase to unlock the encrypted volume, and, when the passphase is given, it will present the system on the encrypted volume.